Invitation to Online-Course - Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry English Training Course 敬邀參加【線上課程-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry English Training Course】【110/07/09(W5) 15:00-16:00】

  • 2021-06-22
The Core Facility Center of the Office of Research and Development at Taipei Medical University will be hosting a series of demonstrations, seminars, and training programs for new and existing instruments. We invite those who are interested to register with us.
For information on the program schedule, and details on the online program, please click on the following link: 
Core Facility Center xms system
Time 110/07/09(W5) 15:00-16:00
URL The URL will be send to your e-mail before this course.
Registration URL
Registration deadlines 110/07/08
If you are a TMU faculty or staff member, and wish to register for the course, please register using this website: Learning and development system for faculty and staff.
This course counts toward the continuing education points of faculty members as well as the education training hours required of staff members.
Please contact us if you have questions.

教室課程時間 110/07/09(W5) 15:00-16:00
課程網址 請務必報名,課程連結將於上課當天寄發
報名截止日 110/07/08

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