【敬邀】特別演講-110/4/15 李彥樑 副總經理 Genomics and Big Data (10:00~12:00) 大安校區B203

  • 2021-04-09
  • 陳郁婷
主講人:李彥樑 副總經理
 題:Genomics and Big Data
 間:110/4/15() 10:00~12:00
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此為英文演講(Language: English)
High-throughput sequencing and microarray tools bring massive amounts of genomic data. Understanding the information provided by each tool helps to prepare the required data sets. A.I. has been applied in many fields, and life scientists have also begun to mine the information hidden in the big data. Correct data sets, combing with appropriate biological perspective, may teach the machine to find the hidden life pattern.

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